Sunday, May 10, 2020

Zoom Teaching for grandsons, Day 16 Report - May 4, 2020

Wesley Report:

1. Art creation for Mother's Day surprise - He made 2 creations -hides in the box

2. Phonic song(we are going on a lion hunt) words-over/under/river/mud/grass/cave/squish/step/swish/splash
3. Wesley showed me his book that he was reading.
4. Watching "three little pigs & the bad wolf " on YouTube

Forest's Report:

1. Finish his "Jack Hartman" "Q" sound homework-quiet, queen, quack, questions,
2. Makes "Mother's Day " card , learns how to cut heart shapes with 2 dots on folded paper! Writes Mother's Day words - card, rose, mother, (cookie, heart- these 2 words  do not how to spell)- He is very creative.
3. Watch "the origin of Mother's Day" - Anna Jarvis of West Virginia- Woodrow Wilson president proclaimed the National Holiday

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