Sunday, May 10, 2020

Zoom Teaching for Grandsons, Day 13 Report - April 29, 2020

Wesley Report
1. He chatters about his "grabber!"  It's pliers!  The he goes on about saw, level, screws, screwdriver!
2. I show a film about "toy Box" with all names
3. Phonic Adventures - He knows all pictures and sound.  But, not "weasel" with "W"  We showed the short film about baby weasel. He eventually knows.
Forest report
1. Sow "Tell time for children" 3 minutes film.  He then drew clock and write the sentences with them.  A.  I go to bed at 9.  2.  I finish lunch at 12:45.
2. we drew shape circle since our lesson is about "circle clock to tell time".  A Turtle - He then wrote the sentence "I draw turtle" all by himself.  Good Job!

3.  He re-learned about "Finish" and "lunch" spelling.
p.s.  He said he will ask you about how to "Borrow tenth (pizza shop from next door) math face to face.  He told me it's a little hard.

Good sessions today!
Hope you are better!  Let me know when the schedules are tomorrow!

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