Thursday, January 23, 2014

Capture 'Now' & Live 'in the Moment'

Capture ‘Now’ and Live ‘in the Moment’


         Many friends and co-workers have asked me about my retirement ever since I made the announcement in October.  Yes, surprised, confused, anxious, sad, excited, and happy are all in my mixed bags of feelings.  I said to myself, ‘I think the time is mature now and I‘d better listen in my heart.’ And I shared it with Ben, my forever-faithful husband.  Of course, he was on my side 100%.  Our love for our children is unconditional, no string attached.  It’s just like the seeds we both planted before.  With the right environment and nutrients, we provided them.  They grow up wisely and healthily and start to plant the seeds of their own.  Without any doubt, the best gift we can ever give them now is that ‘unconditional love’ to love their own children. – Our grandson.

          We all know there are difficulties along the way.  It’s just like a part of our life.  What I am looking for at this stage of my life is truly capture ‘now’ and live ‘in the moment.’  The dynamic relationship between mother and daughter, and mother and son-in-law will only be temporary while the bonding will be forever strong. I listen in my heart, that we will be ok, and things will turn out to be the way we all trust ourselves in the end.

         So, every day, I would wash my worries away, just like the way I wash my grandson’s cloth diapers.  I soak them up and hang each one of them on the clothesline my son-in-law built per my instruction.  Both my daughter and son-in-law are Californians, but I am not.  They must know the state law - Right to Dry - and the community regulations allow them to do so.    When I am done with the chores, I come in and stand outside of the nursery room to listen to the baby’s breathing in his sleep, I cherish the time when he is playing with me tossing the toys impulsively without any control.  He is just learning to explore the world by grabbing and putting everything in his mouth.  I am too in his territory, but in different ways.  I bask in his laughter and relish his innocence.  The sweet smell just fills my heart.  When I relay all my feelings to both my daughter and son-in-law after they are home from work, together, we all let our happiness seep in.

          I know the massive winter storm and frigid temperature in the east coast this week was a little inconvenient for you all.  Shoveling the driveway or digging out your car can also be a wonderful form of exercise to raise your heart rate and burn extra calories.  So, Shirley, Shawn, and Lydia, you all had today’s work out already.  There is no need to walk three miles around the neighborhood anymore.  And think of it, Lydia, you had an extra day off from the Government snow closure announcement and Shawn also had his day off as your personal chauffeur.

         So, Shousun, Lydia and folks, please capture ‘now’ and live ‘in the moment.’  Once you are in, the threat of California earthquake will probably be an inconvenience just like the east coast’s snowstorm.

p.s. Thanks Ben, my husband sent my sweet home pictures after the snowstorm in Maryland.  At the same time, I was under the lemon tree in sunny southern California to save the environment – drying my grandson’s cloth diapers.  


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