Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bundles of Good Wishes-After Janice’s Retirement Party on 12/6/2013

Bundles of Good Wishes – After Janice’s Retirement Party on 12/6/2013

1. From Ruth Yang (Taiwanese American Chorus) 12/9/2013

On Dec 9, 2013, at 6:57 PM,
Ruth Yang wrote:


1. 好一個高規格的感性退休會。96 張照片足以說明你 27 年的輝煌成就。可惜聽不到你的  retirement speech, 只看到你燦爛的笑容。

2. 那個特製的大蛋解答了我的問題: A) 那麼美麗溫馨又漂亮的家, 你怎捨得離開, 即便是短期. B) 27年的卓越成就、相處和諧的同事,你怎捨得揮手就走…….原來是你對女兒和孫兒深情的愛, 偉大的母親. 
3. 謝謝你讓我分享你的成就,很感謝,更多的是感動。你做出的一切成就, 我的意思是包括國立成功大學外文系班刊出書. 都是一位傑出女性了不起的表現。向你致敬.


2. From Ruth Yang (Taiwanese American Chorus) 12/10/2013

On Dec 10, 2013, at 10:13 PM,
 Ruth Yang wrote: 


Very touching speech! You must have spent lots of time and efforts preparing it. 你演講的時候一定是聲情並茂! 感人至深! 我等著看你的  video! 

 Go ahead, 開展你另一段精彩人生! 能幹的你。

原來照相技巧是跟先生學的. 我就知道。



3. From Ruth Yang (Taiwanese American Chorus) 1/6/2014


哈! 看到了, 我就知道你有不同的辦法讓我看到你 Retirement Party 的實況錄影. 不愧 computer expert!

我坐在電腦前, 非常專心地收看你的DVD. 一步也沒有離開, 一幕也沒有錯過, 從頭看到完. 哇塞! 兩個鐘頭! 太精彩了。

兩個小時的退休會專為 Janice 一人而開. 幾十位同仁專為 Janice 一人而來. 我想這不是每一位退休職員都能享有的殊榮。你以專業知識多方面的才華, 以及誠懇待人的態度, 而一一征服了那些大個子男女同事. 跟他們相比, 你 的身材嬌小玲瓏 。你坐在主位上, 好像女王, 從容自若, 含笑聽取大臣們一個接一個的讚揚和感謝. 可以看出你的魅力, 深得同事們喜愛。

二十分鐘不看講稿的演講流暢感人. 笑聲掌聲證明 --手勢尤其優美。你不像一般演講家固定站著不動. 而是走台表演。我想你如果走好萊塢路綫 斯卡獎必屬你無疑。

Janice, 你是成功的典範, 也正是成大 71 的典範。

Enjoy your NEW JOB!

4. From Ruth Yang (Taiwanese American Chorus) 1/8/2014


兩天後你將開始人生另一段旅程, 憑你的才情憑你的毅力, 你會做好不同性質的工作。你好像一匹駿馬, 馳騁奔騰, 馬不停蹄. 永不言休, 請多保重, 天父看顧你。



5. From Lily Liang (NCKU-DC Alumni Association) 1/6/2014

Dear Janice,

I watched the complete video, which took me more than 1 hr. I am glad I did, I found one Yuan-Chi friend in the video, Josephine Tao.

I have to say you are one of the best speakers I have ever heard. You are so great in English, which really surprised me more. You did lot better than all other American speakers.

And congratulations for great job done & great personality in the office. You are a successful woman.  

Thanks for sharing. I am sure you will do great job as "grand mom", too. Enjoy your new life & beautiful weather in CA.

6. From Saji Jose (ERP Contractor) 12/6/2013

From:                                         Jose, Saji
Sent:                                           Friday, December 06, 2013 3:20 PM
To:                                               Chang, Janice; 'ben Chang'
Subject:                                     RE: My contact info


You almost put me in tears.   You are so great and kind especially my first few years you provided all the interface data which was really key for the success of the project which helped me to establish myself not only in county but also in US and I owe lot to you for that.    I will never forget your “Auction” during the Chinese New Year parties and hoping to see it next several years.  

Thank you very much for all the help you have done for me and please forgive me if I hurt you in many ways.


Saji JoseServer Support Services
Department of Technology ServicesMontgomery County, Maryland
Phone: (240)-773-8051
Fax:  (240)-773-3398
P Please consider the environment before printing this email. Save paper and Save forests for our future generations

7.  From Carmen Sadler (County Colleague) 1/6/2014

Janice - Thanks for sharing your retirement video.  I thought it was a very nice send off for you.  I got a chuckle out of some of the things said, especially by Mike Toney and Richard.  It was nice seeing some of my old co-workers and it made me regret my not attending.

I'm assuming you're with your daughter and her family now, and have assumed your 'Super Nanny' role.  I bet that little bundle of joy already has Grandma wrapped around his little finger.  They are so hard to resist.  You ought to see me with my future godson.  He's four months old and I'm crazy about him!

Take care and keep in touch......Carmen

8. From Sandie Mindte (County Colleague) 1/8/2014

Janice ... wishing you a wonderful trip west and memorable times with Forest ... grandbabies are so far superior to our own children ... they truly are gifts from God ... we are not their guardians, we are not their parents ... we are, however, grand parents ... we have no rules for them, restrictions, punishments ... we provide love, warmth, kisses, hugs and ever lasting love ... we are there to listen, to hold, and to advise when they ask for it ... they are truly our treasures ...God be with you, your daughter, and Forest as the weeks, months, years go by ... keep in touch and let us see pics Forest growing ... love Sandi

9. From Shousun Chen (NCKU DC Alumni Association) 1/8/2014

Dearest Janice, a precious jewel of our NCKU family:

   Knowing you, work with you, and be friend with you and Ben for the past 10 years has been such a wonderful experience.  Your untiring enthusiasm in every aspect is like a morning sunshine, brightened everybody around you and this attitude will be a role model for your daughter's family.  They are so lucky that you are willing to end your career and help them to start the new family.

    We are looking forward to give you a homecoming party and hear your joyful experience.   Meanwhile Ben is still in the "family" and we are on call any time he has a need.

10. From Jenny Tong (High School & NCKU classmate) 1/8/2014

A perfect milestone in your life... 我也希望像一樣!
BTW, having thoughts about my future retirement life, guess what?  I'm thinking about reading Shakespeare complete works in English --  癡人做夢?? Please advise... (English is my weakest part during my student life -- you know.   !! )

11. From Judy Chiang (County Colleague) 1/8/2014


Thank you for sharing this valuable video with me.  It is very good
to hear Ivan's speech about your contribution to DTS and major system
changes in the past 12 years. Like those folks, I really enjoy
watching it. Yes indeed, you are the rare and lucky one devoted your
career to the job you love. :))

12. From Marjorie/Lien-Fu Hwang (Taiwanese American Chorus) 1/8/2014

Dear Janice,

This "one-year without paid" job is an excellent project for you who just retired after 27 years of active and successful career.  I admire your decision.  We will miss you at the chorus practice.  However, one year will not be that long especially when you are busy.  We wish you all the best.


13. From Jeanie Montgomery (Retiree - County Colleague) 12/11/2013

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeanie Montgomery [mailto:jeaniemontgomery@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wed 12/11/2013 10:41 PM
To: Chang, Janice
Subject: Re: Janice Chang's retirement


            Thank you for sending your speech!!  I am so glad to have the chance to read it, though that isn't as good as hearing it in person would have been!!!  So you are all moving to Ventura, CA?  I was thinking of taking a trip to California in the late winter to escape the cold weather here.  Maybe we can do lunch in Ventura sometime?   I thought Ventura was part of LA, but I see on the map that it is some distance farther up the coast.  It looks like a lovely place to live!  


14. From Jeanie Montgomery (Retiree - County Colleague) 1/10/2014

From:     Jeanie Montgomery <jeaniemontgomery@yahoo.com>
                     Subject:    Re: Janice's Retirement Youtube
                     Date:    January 10, 2014 11:57:31 AM EST
                    To:     Janice Chang <janice.chang@verizon.net>
            Reply-To:             Jeanie Montgomery jeaniemontgomery@yahoo.com


What a sweet thing of you to send me your retirement party video!  I wont have missed your retirement ceremony after all, except that I wasn't there in person to wish you well!! 


15. From Jim Reynolds (County Colleague) 10/16/2013

-----Original Message-----
From: Reynolds, Jim
Sent: Wed 10/16/2013 7:23 AM
To: Chang, Janice
Subject: RE: Janice's retirement announcement and projects transfer

I wish you the best Janice and am sure that your daughter and son-in-law will appreciate your help.  Family is more important than anything else in life and having the chance to spend so much time with your grandson, especially at such an early age, is an opportunity not to be missed.  


16. From Kerming Tsaur (County Colleague) 2/6/2013

-----Original Message-----

From: Tsaur, Kerming

Sent: Fri 12/6/2013 4:22 PM

To: Chang, Janice

Subject: RE: Janice Chang's retirement

Take care Janice. You have done a great job.

Kerming Tsaur

17. From Louis Sessa (County Colleague) 2/9/2013

-----Original Message-----

From: Sessa, Louis

Sent: Mon 12/9/2013 8:14 AM

To: Chang, Janice

Subject: RE: Janice Chang's retirement


I'm sorry I was not unable to make it to your retirement get-together last Friday. Ted, Guy, and I would like to say "goodbye" to you. Do you plan on coming over the COB anytime before 12/31? 

(I will be out of the office on 12/13, 12/23, and 12/24).

Louis J. Sessa

IT Specialist I

Department of Technology Services

Montgomery County, Maryland

18. From Padamarani Venkatachalam (Contractor - County Colleague) 12/6/2013

-----Original Message-----

From: Venkatachalam, Padmarani

Sent: Fri 12/6/2013 4:34 PM

To: Chang, Janice

Subject: RE: Janice Chang's retirement


You will be missed terribly. I will cherish the cubicle-conversations we had while I sat across from you. You are a great inspiration and my prayers for all things good to you and your family. 

 Sorry I had to miss the party. My son was home sick and had to stay back home to take care of him. I hope to see you before your last day at work. 



19. From Sing Chan (County Colleague) 2/6/2013

-----Original Message-----
From: Chan, Sing
Sent: Wed 10/16/2013 8:21 AM
To: Chang, Janice
Subject: RE: Janice's retirement announcement and projects transfer


I will miss you dearly in the ERP office... You always bring the positive attitude to everything you touch and the professional and dedication to work. On the other hand, I am very happy to see you with your family especially your grand kid and enjoy the time.

See you soon.


20. From Vic Simerly (Retiree - County Colleague) 2/9/2013

-----Original Message-----
From: Victor Simerly [mailto:vsimerly@comcast.net]
Sent: Mon 12/9/2013 9:17 PM
To: Chang, Janice
Subject: Re: FW: Janice Chang's retirement

Janice.... so sorry I could not be there with you....I loved the
pictures and saw many familiar faces that I remember but can't remember
their names.... but saw others that I remember well...looks like you
had a great time.....a loving time....with long time friends.....and
fellow employees.......so glad so many came to say goodbye.....you
deserve it.....you and Linda Lugar were two of the hardest working folks
I was ever around.....so proud of you.....you have integrity,
honesty...just a darn good person....I hope things work out with your
daughter....and with your trip out west to take care of your grand
son...... it's funny but you as a teacher will always have a spot
in my kids' heart...the times they came to work and you "played" with
them....had them draw pictures.....ah the teacher was always
there......I cannot do anything but wish you the best....good luck...and
I will see the "retired" Janice at next year’s holiday party.......a big
hug and kiss to you.......enjoy retirement.......my friend....


21. From Amanda Hardy (County Colleague) 12/6/2013

From: Hardy-Konkus, Amanda 

Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 12:22 PM

To: Chang, Janice

Subject: so sorry

Hi Janice- I am so sorry I wasn’t able to attend your party today, I unexpectedly had to stay home. I hope everything went well. I am sure you had a great turnout. So many people will miss you when you retire; you have helped so many of us through the years. See you next week.

Amanda KonkusEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP)(240) 773-3367 OfficeP Please consider the environment before printing

22. From Brian Biggins (County Colleague) 12/3/2013

From: Biggins, Brian 

Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 12:25 PM

To: Chang, Janice

Subject: Thanks


I just wanted to write to let you know how wonderful it has been knowing and working with you.  You are one of the most genuine people I have ever had the experience to meet.  I thank you for the sage advice you have given me over the years along with accepting me as an equal.  You are one of the special ones in our dept. and I have enjoyed every encounter I have ever had with you both social and business.  The dept is losing some sparkle with you going but all things change and it sounds like you are going to have your hands full. 

I wish you nothing but the very best and want you to know what a positive influence you have had on me as an IT person.

Thanks, take care and God Bless.


From: Greenberg, Shelley 

Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 9:26 AM

To: Chang, Janice

Subject: FW: Janice Chang's retirement

23. From Jim Dodson via Shelley Greenberg (Retiree - County Colleague) 12/5/2013

Hi Janice,

I just got this lovely email from Jim Dodson, and I wanted to share it with you.

Shelley Greenberg
Fiscal Assistant
Department of Technology Services
Montgomery County, MD
101 Monroe Street, 13th Floor
Rockville, MD 20850

From: james dodson [mailto:jdodson70@hotmail.com] 

Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 9:13 PM

To: Greenberg, Shelley

Subject: RE: Janice Chang's retirement

I spoke by phone with Janice recently, and I told her I was so happy for her that she is retiring.   We worked 14 years together.    I will be in West Virginia working on a Chalet that I am building in my retirement; sorry I can’t be there for her send off.  Janice was the best to work with, solving our payroll problems and implementing all those changes, including the y 2k conversions.  We could always count on her to help us do our job.   I wish her well and happiness in her retirement.  I am most appreciative recently, she told me where Chop Stix Restaurant had relocated from Rockville to Urbana and my wife and I have been enjoying eating their food again.  Thanks for everything. 

Jim Dodson,
Dept of Finance,
Division of Controller.

24. From Liz Habermann (County Colleague) 12/6/2013

From:                              Habermann, Elizabeth
Sent:                               Friday, December 06, 2013 3:50 PM
To:                                   Chang, Janice
Subject:                          RE: Janice Chang's retirement

I know we didn’t work together much these last few years-but I appreciated all the help you gave me back when Pat Conroy and I were pestering you about the PMR—or Christina Kirkbride and I needed employee turn over data.  You well deserve all the accolades today and we will miss you greatly. You have been a friend to all of us in so many ways.

I hope to be in the same place one day-babysitting my grandchildren.  My kids have got to get busy!

And yes, next time I’m in San Diego, I’ll have to give you a call!

Best wishes.


25. From Shailender Kolipaka (Contractor - County Colleague) 12/6/2013

From:                                         Kolipaka, Shailender
Sent:                                           Friday, December 06, 2013 2:32 PM
To:                                               Chang, Janice
Subject:                                     Re: All the best.

Hello Janice,

I was working from Home today.

I just wanted to wish you all the best in all your future endeavors! It was really nice working with you.

Please keep in touch. I hope you already have my contact information J.


26. From Sonny Segal (CIO - DTS) 12/3/2013

From: Segal, Sonny 

Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 6:42 PM

To: Chang, Janice
Cc: Milo, Deborah; Greenberg, Shelley

Subject: FW: Janice Chang's retirement -- REMINDER

Dear Janice,

Congratulations on your retirement!  I have enjoyed working with you all these years and have valued your professionalism and dedication.

I want to convey my best wishes for your future in advance, as I will be on travel at the time of your farewell party.

Please do keep in contact and apprise me of your future achievements and successes.

I do look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the Winter Business Meeting.


Harash (Sonny) Segal
Chief Information Officer
Department of Technology Services
Montgomery County Government
101 Monroe Street, 13th Floor
Rockville, MD 20850
Office: 240-777-2900

27. From Sravan Kumar (ERP Contractor) 12/6/2013

From:                                         Kumar, Sravan
Sent:                                           Friday, December 06, 2013 1:35 PM
To:                                               Chang, Janice
Subject:                                     Retirement


I wish you have a good time with your grand kid and good luck for all your future endeavors.


Final Thank-You-Notes from Janice Chang 12/6/2013

On Dec 6, 2013, at 2:18 PM, "Chang, Janice" <Janice.Chang@montgomerycountymd.gov> wrote:

1.       I am just so touched to see all you folks there for my retirement party.  Some of you even de-compress the hour on Friday for me!  Serious, words can hardly express the joy and the gratitude I felt at the wonderful party.  I am going to soak in first and tidy up a few personal family businesses before I really bid the final farewell to you all on 12/31/2013 – my official last day in the County. 
2.       I shall treasure the many gifts from you; and a precious framed inscription for my grandson – Forest; The County’s official retirement certificate from the Executive; GIS team’s map – I wonder if I should relocate to somewhere though.  I have been here in the county since 1975 – too long …..  Anyhow, every good wish you put in the County map will be forever remembered.
3.       I should be back before 12/31/2013 to turn over my official county badge.  I still have a few projects that need to be transferred with co-workers
4.       Wish you all well, we will be in touch and perhaps see you in CA to pick some of my daughter’s big lemons in the backyard
5.       If I leave out anyone, please forward for me.  Do not forget, I can be “FORGETFUL” because I am in another stage of my life NOW
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” By John Muir
Janice Chang

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