Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Zoom Teaching for Grandsons, Day 43 Report - June 11 2020 - The Last Zoom Teaching

Forest Report:

  1. Distant teaching from "Skype" instead to solve the problem of  "poor audio from Zoom".
  2. Forest was not interested in making art project (necktie) from construction/foam paper!  He indicated that he was tired!
  3. I asked all the books (800) that he had read in the past! Amazingly, he was able to discuss with me about every single book from Merlin's Mission, 27 of them - The plot, characters, location, time sequence in details! I printed the wiki from "Magic Tree House Merlin Mission." He indeed is a avid reader. I am very proud of him!
  4. He said, "Mrs. E will give him Hawk & Peregrine falcon books to read!"  His teacher is very nice for Forest to encourage his reading to another level!
  Let me know the plan tomorrow! He told me he is attending Montessori school all day!
Yes he is a very good reader.  Mrs. E is suggesting some new series he can read. 
Great! He wasn't feeling tired when we were discussing every single book!  That's a lot of books!
No distant learning any more, since two kids are going to summer Montessori!
Wesley was watching his videos when we were having Skype lesson! Forest told me you let him- hard to make the young 3 years old engaged! I am sorry l can not help you!

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