Sunday, April 5, 2020

Maryland Stay-at-Home Order from Governor Hogan

To all folks, the high-risk group of this novel coronavirus and me:

I know we are all in for this defining critical moment of our generation.  It's hard to find if anyone can accept this sudden new abnormality becoming the rudimentary normality.  Shelter-in-place, hurrying for grocery, cooking, washing hands, laundry, surreal state of silence, prayer, contemplation and all seclusion etc.  I hope you are healthy and safe.   It will seem to be a long journey ahead of us.  We will take the rigors day in and day out to care for each other in stride.  Hope we, the seniors, won’t be easily neglected.   It’s hard to figure out how long it will last.  The forecast seems to get worse than better.  All we just need to stay calm and follow the directions and suggestions that are given to us.

All the trivial washing, hands, food, laundry and bed sheets, etc. have become daily important routines.   Don't forget to run the empty load with either vinegar or bleach to clean the washing machine on the regular basis.  Although you think of your washing machine as a cleaning machine, believe it or not it can get dirty.  The build-up of mold and mildew are safe havens for the bacteria.  That’s the last thing we want during this fighting for invisible enemies now.

Yesterday, March 30, 2020, two o’clock, a bright sunny day after a week-long rain and gloomy forecast.  I had the Adrenaline rush wanting to sing “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow!-我知誰掌管明天  We, choir members, 4 of us, secretly hatched a plan wanting to surprise our choir conductor.   We thought about arranging 4 chairs, 6 feet apart on the backyard deck to comply with “Social Distancing” guidelines issued from White House’s medical task force team.  Little did we know that Maryland Governor, Hogan, announced a “stay-at-home, unless there are absolutely necessary reasons to go out” order starting 8:00 p.m.  The violators will risk for $5,000 fine or charges of misdemeanor.  Almost at the same time, a college friend, 7,000 miles away in Taiwan, posted the urgent request YouTube from a nurse fighting on the front-line hospital to urge everyone, “please stay home not only for the health of yourself but for the others too!”  The message was so powerful that it nearly broke my heart to call off the singing practice immediately.  So, the plan faltered!  I was grateful that all these front-line workers, doctors, nurses and cleaners in hospitals, care homes and supermarkets risking their lives for their jobs. 

The world has become smaller suddenly! Viruses have no borders! Without all those front-line fighters fighting for us as the virus rampantly spread out so closely at home, I could only say “yes, I must be wise to understand how vulnerable we are.  I must take care of myself before I can take care of others, that including my husband, relatives and friends!”  Think of all those unfortunate ones on the brink of dying in the hospitals.  Please “stay home!” 

I practice "Tai-Chi" introduced from my three honored college seniors. teachers, and masters. -

趙榮耀 (Engiau), 朱殿蓉 (Julian), 斯華齡 (Harold) every day!  It has become my daily routine early in the morning since we started the club last year.  Thank to all of them.  That (雲手) gentle movements of lightly follow the cloud  with my arms and the four basic elements (掤、捋、擠、按) warding off, rolling back, pressing & pushing are my life savers.

I hope that in a time of chaos now, I can find "pure and fresh air" somewhere to let me breathe!  Otherwise, if I am suffocating myself, how can I help others?

I hope, it is not a luxury just getting a breath of fresh air.  Signs of spring in the air – leaves budding, birds chirping, flowers blossoming, and butterflies migrating are beginning to show!   

4/5/2020, I made a cloth face mask this morning from a brand-new bandana I washed last night.  What an irony!  People said, “it looks like virus pictures all over the handkerchief!”  Interesting!  How do I know that was the only one I have ever saved at home after President Trump and White House Medical Task Force Team recommended it over the news briefing?
 The early spring scene from my afternoon walk around the neighborhood.

 The uplifting chalk work message from my solitary walk in the neighborhood.

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