Summary - TaiChi Zoom Class, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. August 12, 2020
1. Teacher Harold demonstrated “Wringing out Towel” with both hands to squeeze out the water in different direction to explain one of the basic TaiChi Principles – Turing from the Waist – Flexible forms
2. Teacher Tony started 3 minutes “Warm up” session
3. Teacher Tony demonstrated 10 minutes’ TaiChi forms as follows:
· 起式, 攬雀尾, 單鞭, 提手上式, 白鶴亮翅, 摟膝拗步, 手揮琵琶, 搬攔捶, 如封似閉, 十字手,抱虎歸山, 斜單鞭, 肘底捶, 倒攆猴, 雲手, 單鞭下式, 金雞獨立, 分腳, 蹬腳栽捶, 玉女穿梭, 上步七星, 退步跨虎, 轉身擺蓮, 彎弓射虎, 搬攔捶, 如封似閉, 野馬分鬃
4. A few forms were not too clear during the demonstration. Teacher Tony suggested that we could do the send demonstrations of the above formations.
5. Teacher Harold wrapped up the session with the following advice
. “TaiChi has not hands (太極沒手)” – Let the body relax and sink - the foundation of TaiChi
. Clod Hand (雲手) – once waving/moving your hands reaching up to the end of direction, say the Wall, you need to turn your body and continue the movement.
. Fair Lady Shuttles Back & Forth (玉女穿梭) actually uses the four basic elements of Ward-off (掤) , Roll-Back (捋), Press (擠) and Push (按)
.Five Basis Principles of TaiChi
1. R – Relax
2. S – Separate your Weight
3. T – Turn
4. U – Upright your Body
5. V – Virginia Girl’s Hand (Figuratively speaking , metaphorically so-called Beautiful Lady’s Hand)
FYI – pictures shots during the class.
Next 7 recurring Zoom class from August 19, 2020 – September 30, 2020 will be posted Next Tuesday.
Teacher Tony will be on leave on September 9, 2020
Let Engiau Elder and Teachers know if you have any questions.
Good session today. We used the Zoom time from 1:55 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. quite well.
Again, Team Works! Let’s make it better.
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