Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 15, 2020 - Washington DC Taiwanese School "Advanced Mandarin Conversation" class


Steve, Andrew and Andrew:

We did well with SKYPE on-line class this week.  I found it easy without much difference from in-person classroom.  Checking the written homework assignment will be enhanced better with careful camera angles next time!)  We will continue to do so for next week class on 3/22/2020.

Andrew:  Hope you will make it.

3/15/2020 - lesson covered:

1. Chinese numerals in writing, 1,2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10 - 一、二(两)、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十
Using "Hanzi Alive - 漢字很有意思 " book to illustrate and explain how the numerals and written words are originated.
  2. The arsenic exposures in drinking-water - cause of "Blackfoot Disease" in Taiwan - Peak period 1956 - 1960.  It was controlled after 25 years.
There were doctors (Doctor Wang King-ho, Doctor Hsieh Wei) and one missionary, Lillian Dickson, who opened the Mercy's Door Free Clinic via Mustard Seeds Mission to treat the residents of Beimen District and surrounding areas after an outbreak of Blackfoot Disease during 1950.

3. Lesson 37 - The Airport (JiChang)

Assignment on 3/15/2020 - Written words practice as follows and questions for further discussion

1. sheng - (to grow, to live, & to be born)
2. Yu (fish) -
3. zao (early) -
4. Health effects of salt (too much or too little)?
5. Lesson 38 ( jiē jī) Meeting Somebody at the Airport

Let me know if you have any questions.  It's so nice to have you all participated on-line teaching.  We will hope for the best and brace for the worse under this special coronavirus outbreak situation in the world.


Wu Lau Shi
Janice Chang

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