Sunday, March 29, 2020

Taiwan Culture Immersion Program


Roland Park Country College Preparatory School and Gilman Private Preparatory School from Baltimore, Maryland, 20 students came to Taiwan Cultural Center of Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Offices for a day's Taiwan Culture Immersion program on Wednesday 3/4/2020.  It was a success!  The 10th and 11th students learned the following subjects:

1. Historical Events Discussion

Better understanding of 228 incident in 1947, Taiwan and American Civil War in 1861- 1865 - Q & A session.

2. Social Studies

A metaphor of "yam" and Taiwan in terms of geography & history to understand the deep and inseparable relationship. The "Yam" represents Taiwanese people's resilient way of living. 

3. Art and Drama Projects

A journey to the West (西遊記) - shadow play art projects. 

4. Contemporary Arts Exhibits

Ceramic /Pottery Exhibits - a showcase of Taiwan’s contemporary national arts culture.


All 20 students focused on the differences in culture and history between Taiwan and America through the  Q/A session.  They were motivated by and engaged in the discussion and demonstration.  They had a ball through groups “Shadow Play” project.  Without scripts in hands, they organized into 4 groups to ad lib and improvise as much as possible.  They cast all major characters, Buddhist Monk Tang, Monkey King, River Monster, Pig Monster and Cow Monster from "A Journey to the West", one of the four great novels of Chinese literature, with innovative approach & contemporary plot.  They would brainstorm and freewheel into modern comedy and tragedy.  The dramatic effect was as hilarious & thrilling as you could imagine!
"bobui - two crescent-shaped wood blocks" thrown on the floor asking the fortunes to be told and a better tomorrow during this critical moment under coronavirus outbreak was one of the high-lights as well.

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