I just came across an old photo of us "Tennis Days - 2005 -2013", and it got me thinking about how much fun we always have together. So much things have happened since your sincere "Family Piano Concert Debut" invitation when I was in Taiwan for "Choir competition- 108年總統盃僑胞合唱觀摩賽."
A year changes us a lot! It's a "Different World" out there! There were a lot of sleepless nights for me during this unprecedented time, but engaging with my on-line teaching to students, 12 of them, ranging from 5 years old - 65 years old, IT professionals, professor, science researcher, lawyer, retiree and grade, middle schoolers, allowed me to keep my life as a whole after retirement in 2014. This is not to include my daily Zoom teaching for the past three months for my two grand boys, 6 and 3 years old in southern California. COVID-19 has upended every one's normal routines in life and work. How we miss the good old times when we were out there playing tennis, either at Four Seasons, parks, or clubs. Oh, those were the days!
Mimi sent me a video of your " Bike Adventure" from Brunswick, Maryland to Harper Ferry, West Virginia with Steve on July 19, 2020. It's so inspirational for me. Like most things, you don't always notice what a difference is being made when you make it in small steps. It's just like your "piano recital with Mrs. Young, Sue" I am so sorry to miss it. Because you have always focused on self-improvement on becoming a better you, a small step, piano debut, riding the bike, means so much in your life. You will realize how far you have come to that destination. Great Job! Dr. Young, I am so proud of you.
This note should have been a “personal note” in mail around March when we had “stay-at-home” order from Governor, Larry Hogan. The postal mails risk the coronavirus spread. There is no better way to just drop a “thinking of you” note this way.
Hope you and Sue are coping well with this uncontrollable virus. The grandson must be a joy to you and Mrs. Young. My husband, Ben and I send our best wishes to all of them, daughter, Sigrid, Family Sigmund, Kimberly and the little one!
Keep in touch!