Wednesday, April 10, 2019

How Does Music Express Emotions - Unique & Different

How does music express differently in emotions?  I shared the following opinions from my friend's shared links - Each is  as unique and different in voice, style and emotion.

1. 费翔 故乡的云 冬天里的一把火 1987 中央电视台 春节晚会

2. 余笛 洪之光《故乡的云》:和声比原唱还好听! - 单曲纯享《声入人心》 Super-Vocal【歌手官方音乐频道】

3. 韩红改编费翔经典 追忆《故乡的云》

I love them all, frankly.  It seems that you know I am always a music lover.  Even though I do not know who they are, their singing styles are as captivating and beautiful as ever.

1. The first singer reminds me of Tom Jones of 70s during my college days.  You could not even imagine that Ben and I would purchase a plate of "Cut-up Green Tomato"  with the "soy sauce paste" and some "sour plum powder", a very popular Tainan fruit snack, during our dating times when I was a freshman.  That was 8:00 p.m. TV time at the student's "cafeteria" outside the campus.  Were we crazy or romantic or what?  Your guess is as good as mine! 
2.  The second singers with harmonious resonance are my favorite.  That reminds me of classical opera singers of some sorts - I think my chorus group would have shared my view as well.  It's quite beautiful with their voices.
3.  The third one is so amazing!  I love it so much!  It reminds me of Susan Boyle of that British woman.  Her or His(?) melodious voice enraptured the audienceThe song comes from that voice was just beautiful!

Hope you enjoyed the songs as much as I do.

By the way, I have not written long e-mail or blog for a while due to left wrist injury and lumbar 4/5 pains.  I think my carpal tunnel syndromes from the use of computers for the past 38 years are paying the toll now.  I have been seeing acupuncture doctor regularly about once or twice a month.

Keep in touch and thanks so much for sharing!

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