Monday, June 24, 2013

June 23, 2013 - 花蓮行 -鄭素娥


禮君 來函

We came back from Turkey. We had a very enjoyable trip. We all showed great gratitude to Pearl. She and her husband made a very satisfying arrangement.  We had a very good time.  I will be in our class reunion on 11/9. Thank you, Michael.  Hope to see all of you.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Post Wedding Speech for My Rehab Doctor's Son - Sigmund - by Janice Chang (吳玉琴) June 22, 2013

1.  Greetings:
Good evening, Dr. & Mrs. Young, Sigmund & Kim and all the beloved friends and family members of the Young’s and the Carlins’.  My name is Janice Chang, the wife of wedding photographer, Ben Chang and the mother of videographer, Eric Chang, who is not here tonight, because of his continuous triathlon training.
We were extremely honored and elated to be invited as one of the 100 close friends and family members to attend Sigmund and Kim’s special days of their lives, that is the wedding rehearsal and luncheon on Saturday, February 23rd and the wedding day on 
Sunday morning, February 24th.
My mission here tonight is to share with you the highlights and my memory of those two unforgettable days.
2.  The Young(s) Generation Rules:
Sigmund and Kim are such a fun and loving couple.  Their wedding was filled with enthusiasm, laughter and the most amazing “Do it Your Own” unique creative details.  It all started around the fall last year, when Dr. Young called us up to meet with both Sigmund and Kim to have the preview of the wedding venue - The George Peabody Library in Baltimore. Kim’s vivacious and authentic style personality, it is impossible not to smile around her.  And, as you all know that Sigmund is a very gifted violin player, his love of music combines with Kim’s appreciation of that historic, 19th century landmark, and the outstanding architecture, both of them put together a wedding, I can only use two words to describe, “fabulous” and “radiant.”
I was so impressed about their creativeness and willing to take risk attitude.  You see, the temperature in February around this region was very unpredictable.  During the meeting, I could tell that both Dr. and Mrs. Young had some doubts as well.  However, once Kim and Sigmund explained to us regarding the discounted rentals in February and especially the Sunday morning’s wedding price.  We were totally convinced about their wedding plans.  They are smart.  They would rather save up $ for their long range family planning than lavish on the extravagant wedding expense.  Dr. and Mrs. Young, they sure made you proud.  These days, the young generation rules the world.  Here, I mean “the Young’s generation rules.”  Kim, you are now the Young’s.  We, old folkies were downgraded into the side lines now.
3.  Rehearsal Ceremony & Reception
(Heavy Seas Alehouse)
At times, we did encounter a few generation gaps.  The rehearsal went through as smooth as it could be.  The bridesmaids, not counting Sigmund’s bright little sister, groomsmen, officiant, and the wedding planners, believe or not, were all from both Sigmund and Kim’s elementary school, junior, senior high and college pals.  They shared with us the friendship, spanning the childhood, late college through the transition into the adult life in the real world.  That’s quite a remarkable journey.  Congratulation to both Sigmund and Kim! You all achieve one of the major milestones of your life.
The reception afterwards was at that famous Heavy Seas Alehouse in downtown Baltimore.  From the way I observed, it was a typical Young’s generation’s “Happy Hour.”   With rounds and rounds of drinks served, platters of platters of mini-burgers and veggie burgers passed, oh, that unlimited supply of fried onion rings was just scrumptious.  I tell you, the Young’s’ Generation really rocked the floor.  We, the old folkies, enjoyed the delightful atmosphere and we were just hungry. 
4.  Hotel Monaco – Baltimore
Nevertheless, the arrangement of Hotel Monaco lodging was luxurious and comfortable.  All the friends, family members came from far away places: Texas, California and State of Washington were fully accommodated.  The elegant marble staircase and the Tiffany stained-glasses windows provided the backdrops with many marvelous wedding pictures.  We were so honored to be treated that expensive dinner in the Hotel along with the family members.  Some of the Young’s generation were hiding somewhere for their “bachelor party.”
We did not like to leave early, but, Dr. Young had to leave around
10’00 ’clock to pick up his nephew at Dulles Airport.  I understood that he did not come back until way passed midnight.  And the next day was his son’s wedding day.
     5. Wedding and Reception – The George Peabody Library
The dramatic space and the soaring shelf stacked up bookcases, 300,000 volumes of books for Johns Hopkins University came into view.  With the harmonious harp music played by the harpist they hired from Peabody Music Conservatory.  The soft melody echoed through the hall welcomed the arrival of the beautiful and gorgeous bride, Kim, holding her father, Mr. Carlins’ arm ready to be given away.
The intimate feelings of their school days for both Sigmund and Kim were revealed from the bridesmaids and groomsmen during the wedding reception.  The laughter burst everywhere and the uncontrollable tears shed sometimes.  Tissue and tissues were no where to be found.  But, that’s quite alright.  Some of the pictures did have a few memorable shinny spots on their faces.
6. The Father of the Groom’s Speech - Chopstick 
The best was the speech from Dr. Young, the father of the groom speech.  It was touching, philosophical and the most fatherly fulfilling.  He used Chinese proverb -天時地利、人和 to explain the meaning of “the decree of eternity” and “the natural affinity.”  He demonstrated with the Chinese chopsticks.  He said, “This is a single chopstick, it’s easy to break and carries no function at all.  But, if you add another one, it will become two.”  “It will be stronger and sturdier and carry the versatile functions.”  So, according to Dr. Young’s math, 1 + 1 is not only equal to 2, it will be 3 the next year and 4 the following year, on and on and bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger.
7. Send-off – Honeymoon (Argentina) & Vintage Rolls Royce
At the end, we all experienced the joys of their happiness.  With the party horns blown, we sent them off to their honeymoon – the warm exotic place in Argentina.  We’re all standing at the steps, freezing cold, holding the exquisite & delicious wedding cake wrapped in this shining silver box designed by Kim and her company, Our hearts were left with warm feelings inside.  This is the vintage Rolls Royce they were in.  Off they went to the happy land. 
Overall, the whole wedding was just like a “fairy tale” for them to remember.  And I certainly enjoyed every moment of it.  Just let you know, Baltimore Sun interviewed them and carried the whole page of the wedding coverage, headlined as “From Spain to Baltimore, the Couple Knows How to Celebrate Love” on April 19th.  I thank Dr. and Mrs. Young and both Kim and Sigmund for giving me this opportunity to share their wedding memory with you all tonight.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Photo with Santa Claus – From Our Teacher Harold



Dear Janice, Judy, & All,

I am so excited to see that my photo has been posted on the blog. Thank you
so much for your favor and labor!
I have begun feeling reluctant to go any further travels for the kind of
long distance and long period of time due to our experience
going to
Northern Europe for 15 days this time. That is to say, age and
health should be taken into consideration from now on.
As a result, I would rather expect to meet you all when gathering is
scheduled to be held in
Shih Chien University,
but not take part in the trip to
Hong Kong.

With best wishes to all of you.

Harold Huang


Janice (吳玉琴) - 回信

Teacher Harold:

I can understand from the fatigue back from your Europe trip.  The
challenges abound related to our age and physical conditions.  I hope
yours was not the group travels that tend to be fairly rigid and the
fixed schedules with the bus load of all strangers.  I did the
DC-Reunion with the folks of our classmates from 10/4/2012 -10/22/2012
was perfect.  I specifically designed a relaxing and flexible schedule
that turned out to be quite pleasant from my house (MD) -> DC -> VA ->
PA -> - NJ and New York.  We all had good time together.  Anyhow, it was
all documented in the web site now.  Hope to see you all someday.


Janice Chang

 Please find attached a photo we took with Santa Claus on our way to Arctic Circle, Finland.
It seems to be a little vague, because I re-copied from the original one.
The old Santa was sitting there on his throne all day long waiting for visitors to take pictures
with him at a cost of 25 Euro (NTD 1000) each shot.
It is just a good remembrance to us, anyway.

Harold & Hilda Huang

鄭素娥 - 回信

Dear Sir:

It is our great pleasure to share your wonderful photo. We can always enjoy your smile - To Sir With Our Deep Love.


Saturday, June 1, 2013

長春相聚 - May 24, 2013

歡迎張心儀夫婦 張苑淑 及陳衡山返國
在長春素食跟老友陳振貴 藍淑美 呂霞慧 楊貞婉 王如賢 許博華 及鄭素娥共10人相聚

中午12點要開會的振貴  趕在11點到餐廳門口
熱情地與眾老友歡聚 然後匆匆趕往會場
臨行前 振貴盛情邀請下次大型的同學會   由他在實踐大學主辦

博華雖然最晚到  卻是萬紅叢中一點綠
頓時成為眾星拱月  風趣談笑引得眾女生開懷大笑
正如心儀所云  青春再臨 天天健康[]樂正是我們最大的願望喔
而淑美堅持埋單請客   更讓大家興奮有加幸福滿滿 

素娥跟苑淑上車當黃魚  林董交代我們顧車後  急著上樓跟眾老友打招呼
居然認出心儀老公李文京是台大舊識  小小世界真奇妙喔
更意外的是林董居然專程送苑淑到蘇菲亞拿禮服  苑淑下週將娶媳婦

後續的淡水行由霞慧領隊  跟心儀夫婦及衡山在3點左右抵淡水
霞慧說菲菲胖了些    一見老友就開心地笑了

後天5/26心儀夫婦將南下 由禮君安排回心儀夫婿的老家澎湖一遊
目前報名的有淑美  如賢及素娥