Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada 6/3/2016 by Janice Chang

#1 – VF Entrance Sign – See the bluish green tinge on the sagebrush indicates that the plants are still alive. 
The last day of our family vacation, 6/3/2016, Ben and I went hiking at Valley of Fire State Park – It’s a well-deserved togetherness, without the hassle of crowds (the Strip) and 5 nights long bedtime stories: Grandson, Forest’s Thomas the Tank Engine Collections.

After dropping the Cole’s family at the airport around 8:00 a.m., we took I-15 N about thirty-five miles from the Strip, then headed twenty miles east on Highway 169.  The blank and barren desert gave way to scenic landscapes around us.  We drove curved Valley of Fire Road through west entrance with $10 fee.  National Parks Senior pass was not honored because it’s a state park.  The park derives its name from red sandstone formations formed from great sand dues during the age of dinosaurs, some 150 millions years ago.  

Follow the map and enjoy the drive with me!
#3 Beehive  - the first stop.  Some 150 millions years ago during the age of dinosaurs, the complex uplifting, faulting, and erosion have created the present vista.  We got out of the car to take this photo.  It’s so hot!  Ben and I were not prepared in gears for hiking not even walking in this merciless heat.  

#4 Petrified Wood – picture taken at the visitor center
Within the expansive views of this red-stone park, there weren’t any car visibly traveling in this direction.  I noticed that we only saw one tired looking visitor who just came back the trail looking for petrified logs washed into the area from the ancient forest about 225 millions years ago. 

The guy took this photo at the entrance of Petrified Wood Loop for us – the only one, Ben and me together.  He found the petrified wood, “it’s all fenced in, not that impressive,” he said.  But we opted out due to the trail sign indicated “. 3 mile loop.”   Under this oppressive heat, I wondered if I could make it back even though I was curious about the petrified tree stumps.  I retreated back in the car sipping one gallon of water I packed at the resort -  “I must conserve if I want to make the whole 10+ miles of driving/hiking.”
#5 Atlatl Rock

I dashed from parking lot #3 to the base of the rock, not in any shady area where I could take comfort, leading up to the stairs at Atlatl Rock.  After seeing the petroglyphs at the top of the stairs, again, I opted out to dash back to the car when Ben ventured out to follow the path that led him capture this beautiful arch photo


#6 Arch Rock

These interesting symbols reminds me of my Gaithersburg Chinese School teaching days when I tried to enlighten the little curious minds about the primitive similarity and difference between the petroglyphs of Native Americans and ancient Chinese written scripts/pictures carved on the turtle back and stone-caves.

#7 Sergeant John J Clark Memorial 
I saw a white cross not far from the visitor center.  Ben took the picture with assortment of photo gadgets he carried.   This is a white brick monument for Captain John J. Clark, a retired New York Infantry, died in June 1915, at the age of 67,ugh, from thirst!

#8 Heat Warning! I was not kidding about the extreme heat and hiking warnings posted at the Visitor Center.  It’s 110 degrees F. (43.3 degrees C.) today.

#9 – signs on the way to Fire Canyon

The area is home to a variety of different wildlife.  I only saw signs posted and the desert bighorn sheep herd having lunch in the low valley among the sagebrushes.  Nevada state law protects the rare species of tortoise.

#10 Rainbow Vista
On the way to Fire Canyon, I was anxious to see cars in this spectacular desert park. I tried to call my son and daughter about our whereabouts, but the cellphone wouldn't work.  "Ugh, what shall I do?  Am I getting claustrophobia in the park?"  It seemed to look like the end of the Fire Canyon Road to me.  My imagination was running wild with these distinct stone shapes.  The anxiety level was racing fast!  No, look at the car before us when we’re completely soaking in the geological beauty of the park in the companionship of lone vehicle.  Yes, there's some one in the park besides us!

#11 White Domes Loops
The brilliant contrast colors from the sandstone formations gave me the opportunity to learn from Ben to take pictures of him.  He did not complain at least.  The Nature is the artist here. It would take 45 minutes hikes to trek the White Domes, we read the map: “Fire Wave – hikers takes about one hour; not recommended in high temperatures.” So, we headed back to Fire Canyon Road to wrap up the road trip before we could take the red-eye flight back to DC.

We were rewarded with one-of-a-kind beauty around this Mojave Desert.

#12 Seven-Sisters 
I shrank among one of the seven sisters!  I was careful not to damage the brittle red-sandstone.  The desert is extremely fragile!

#13 Elephant Rock
We were a little tired and hungry after 6 hours in the park. Already it’s almost 5:00 p.m.  We nearly approached the East Entrance on the main road (Valley of Fire Fire Highway).   Ben was not going to miss the “must-see” elephant rock.  He parked the car and I circled around the covered pavilion across the slickrocks.  The sign indicated .4 mile RT (Round Trip.)  By looking at the open, smooth, wind-polished rocks, I figured that I could probably make it back because the intensity of the sunlight decreased markedly.  Otherwise, alone not being discovered here, no one would mark a stone or anything for me if something unusual happened to me!  

I started to run fast along the human-made stone marked trails (cairns).  I felt like I was walking at the Great Falls leading up to Billy Goat trails.  Yes, hot, but not too bad with the 5:00 p.m. sunshine.  The rocks could be quite bumpy and twisted the ankles if you did not have the firm grip.  I did not see rattlesnakes, foxes, lizards or bobcats of any wild animals.  I was desperate to get there.  Anyhow, before I had the opportunity to figure out what the Elephant Rock looked like, I was there in 15 minutes in front of the Stone Animal.  Use your imagination to patch up the pieces together of long neck, body, back, ribs, bones and tusk for a complete skeleton; there you’ll have it.   I came out the trail safely and stood on the main road to call Ben who was taking other photos waiting for me at the East Entrance.  Serious, this is photographers' heaven, not many visitors and cars to clutter up the landscapes.  The site is located just 50 feet off of Valley of Fire Highway, yet most people drive right by it, unless they know what they are looking for.

Yes, I did hike .2 mile at Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada.  The drive was gorgeous! What a wonderful experience!

My next adventure with Ben or with my grandson, Forest, if I can:  Camping and sitting by the open slickrock to see the sunset and waiting for the twinkle, twinkle little stars to come out around the majestic views of rocks.  I am sure it’s not going to be this hot!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

成大六十級外文系礁溪福隆兩日逍遙遊筆記 - 6/7/2016 - 6/8/2016 - 鄭素娥


一得知心儀希望在六月初陪夫婿參加澎湖高中校友會時  能順道與老友相聚   連續一個多月的廣招英雄帖後  總算有十一位老友及家眷一起樂逍遙   除了心儀夫婦  還有霞慧夫婦  伯宸夫婦  禮君  嘉和 博華 苑淑和素娥共十位相聚一堂 歡樂連連

第一天除了伯宸夫婦外  其餘八人搭葛瑪蘭客運中午在礁溪轉運站會和   然後把行李全部堆放在博華車上  大家才能輕裝逍遙喔   共享火車站旁美味的小周牛肉麵   靜候突來的豪雨靜止後   一點多散步在雨後些許清涼的礁溪老街上  

博華帶領眾人先體驗礁溪免費的泡腳溫泉   戲水的童年記憶讓這群老人家眉開眼笑   陰涼的天氣正適合雙足浸泡在溫泉裡   眾人的小腿肚都紅通通一片   全身氣血暢通無阻

兩點多續往第二景點體驗溫泉魚   雙腳伸入冷泉裡  小魚成群結隊的輕咬腳皮   酥酥癢癢的   眾人驚喜連連   新鮮又刺激

半小時後   博華再帶隊前往春日溫泉  讓眾人親身沐浴在著名的礁溪溫泉池裡   幸好天氣稍涼  否則當初我還質疑炙熱的六月天裡   博華泡溫泉的計畫可否成真喔   大眾池的裸湯還可欣賞周遭樹梢綠意   空氣流通  比起湯屋舒服多了

按照博華規劃  眾人四點多出浴集合  由博華開著老爺車分兩批接駁到餐廳吃控窯雞大餐  眾人就座後  博華再到礁溪車站接伯宸夫婦   就此十一位老友全員到齊   大病初癒的伯宸欣喜放出鳥籠   翔在老友們的呵護及歡笑中

搭上回福隆的莒光號   一群人當然繼續聒噪一番  還好七點的班車沒有甚麼旅客  一間屋民宿老闆在福隆車站前搭載我們回民宿   老闆說今天只有另一對客人   所以一樓客廳全部開放給我們盡情開講

伯宸感動地接過心儀自美攜回的厚重莎翁全集   翻譯莎翁的十四行詩是他的心願   目前仍無人嘗試的艱難工作喔   接著伯宸也贈送他過年前出版的譯作  寫在燦爛的春天   老友共享的他的成就並與有榮焉
6/8在福隆海灘看沙雕  伯宸病癒後想翻譯莎翁的十四行詩  心儀找到書借他
九點多博華載伯宸夫婦及嘉和  苑淑四人回福隆重新裝潢的宅院住宿   約好明天早上八點半在福隆沙雕會合  清新潔淨的民宿讓我們一覺到天明
22:17 Judy Cheng 6/8/2016  大名鼎鼎的福隆沙雕終於呈現在我們眼前  幸好八點半的太陽有雲朵遮遮掩掩  半小時候豔陽開始肆虐  國內外的沙雕大師作品已無法慢慢欣賞  眾人決定該回博華家準備海鮮大餐了  貼心的博華清晨六點多就為我們採購新鮮

  22:26 Judy Cheng 新鮮海產  素菊 霞慧 心儀 嘉和與禮君輪流掌廚  佳餚輪番上桌  伯宸夫婦只能匆匆品嘗一下就需趕車回高雄   原本博華計畫下午騎車逛福隆營地和吊橋的活動   不得不屈服在艷陽下  大家享受博華博華新裝潢的宅院裡   老友相聚的開心時刻
22:29 Judy Cheng 提著福隆便當  道別時刻已到  兩天相聚 情濃蜜意 感激博華盛情規劃招待  期待再相聚-來日