Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Janice's Formal Retirement Announcement & Porjects Transfer

Tom, Sing and Evan:

It’s been a joy to help taking care of my grandson with my daughter ever since I arrived here – Ventura on 10/5/2013.  The whole family’s schedule is revolving around that little fellow’s 3-hour cycle of sleeping, eating, changing, and playing activity.  We have our hands full around the clock.  But, I am enjoying every minute of it.  After a serious of family discussion, I have decided to announce my formal retirement on 1/1/2014.  My daughter and son-in-law really need me to help out their new arrivals due to their frequent travels on business. 
It’s been a privilege and a pleasure to work with you all as a team.  Come to think of it, all my co-workers, users from each department and my projects are relatively a good management close-knit organization that has always helped me to utilize my expertise and allowed me for growth and enjoyment with all my 27+ years’ professional services.  Of course, there are ups and downs along the way.  But, don’t you think that’s part of our life?  One challenge after another?
Yes, saying goodbye is always the hardest part.  But surely, letting go is one way to close one chapter and spending more time with my family is opening another.
With that being said, I just FYI to you all my leave balances for OHR and Payroll’s notices and my current on-going projects for a smooth transition with all the users I am currently serving.
            I will be back in the office on 11/12/2013.  Unfortunately, with only one week’s break in east cost, I need to be back to Ventura again to help out my daughter from 11/18/2013 – 11/28/2013 due to son-in-law’s business trip.  I can imagine the busy life ahead of this family already.

1.     ANL - 383 hrs

2.       SKL - 4529.38 hrs

3.       CML - 86 hrs (Comp Time Supplement)

4.       CPL - 29.5  (Comp time)

5.       PER (personal day) 3 days

            With all my leaves in the book, it’s likely I will be out for quite some time in December.  I do not know quite when yet.  But, please let me know if we can arrange the meeting on 11/12/2013 to discuss about the projects transfer as described in the following:

1.     Def Comp consolidate HRB (1986-2004) & HRMS (1999-2010) in BI-Publisher – BIT team should review & discuss the merge with Oracle 2011 - current
2.    Quarterly RET022 (Library Dept’s reimbursement of retirement earning from State of MD – Education Dept) – in MCG930 BI-Dashboard –Finance ran 1st QTR & 1st FY14 already
3.     Fiscal RET205 – Terminated employee with <5 yrs credited services – PS SQL job – Finance did  FY14 already
4.    On request BIT’s monthly RET301 – PS SQL to check against MCTime LD module
5.    Support of production Legacy BI Dashboard – 9 tags – done all the demonstrations to OHR/Payroll/Finance departments
6.    BI-Dashboard for HR assignment model – 6 tags created and being reviewed by Functional Team
7.    Open-Enrollment for next year 2014 by using new HR Benefit model – on-going project with OHR benefit team, two files created-scriber and dependent files to see if it will be the same as Contractor’s  2013 files.  There are issues of duplicates that are being reviewed by Contractors.  Will continue when I come back on 11/12/2013
8.    HR Benefit model – many tags created and demonstrated to OHR Benefit’s team.
9.    Legacy HRMS PMR BI Summary – ready for production, but, pending on OHR and EEO Teams’ approval
10. W-2 files for the past 7 yrs to convert to Oracle data base – test data forwarded to the contractor as a back-burner proje

That’s all folks!  See you on 11/12/2013.

Janice Chang